
Collections in Ozark come in three flavors. There are arrays and tuples, which offer powerful subscript-based access to groups of pointers, and there are other pointer-based collection types that can be built with generics.


An Array is an immutable, nestable, homogeneous, 1-based ordered list of non-optional objects or values. Arrays can be specified literally using square bracket ([]) notation, or created sequentially as the output of a repeat loop or repeating "all" statement.

Eligible variables that store arrays may be marked as optional.

inheritance Example

method setup helper: ComplexObject
	create bananas: [Banana]; setup | repeat 12 times

	helper doSomething twoBananas: bananas[1~2]

Anywhere an array is needed, you can use subscript-based expressions to split and combine arrays.

someArray[1]First element
someArray[4]Fourth element
someArray[-1]Last element
someArray[2~5]An array containing the 2nd through 5th elements
someArray[*]The number of elements in the array
someArray[1/2]An array representing the first section of the array when divided into two sections
someArray[3/3]An array representing the third section of the array when divided into three sections
someArray[2%3]An array representing the 2nd item in each section of the array when divided into sections with 3 parts in each
someArray[2/4+3/4]An array representing the 2nd and 3rd sections of the array when divided into four sections
someArray[2/4-2/5]An array representing the 2nd section of the array when divided into four sections, except for the elements in the 2nd section of the array when divided into five sections
someArray[5*2]An array representing two copies of the 5th element in the array
someArray[*6]An array representing the array repeated 6 times


A Tuple is an immutable, nestable, heterogenous, 1-based ordered group that may include both values and/or objects. Tuples can be specified literally by separating the values with a comma (,). Eligible variables that store tuples may be marked as optional, but individual elements of a tuple may not (because that would make it a different tuple). A tuple with only one element is identical to the element itself.

Tuples can be nested or stored in arrays using curly bracket syntax ({ and })

Tuples are often used as method inputs and/or outputs, which gives the effect of allowing positional parameters side-by-side with named ones.

inheritance Example

@property1: Integer
@property2Copy1: Integer
@property2Copy2: Integer

method instigate helper: HelperObject, value: SomeObject, Integer, Integer
	value[1] processIntegerTuple value[2], value[3], finalInstruction: false

	helper getIntegerTuple -> assign to @property1, assign to [@property2Copy1, @property2Copy2]

You can use subscript access on tuples just like on arrays.

Extract & Split

You can use the extract and split keywords on a property or output that contains an array or a tuple. This returns a 2-tuple of the extracted portion and the remaining portion, respectively. split removes multiple elements, where extract removes only one.

inheritance Example

property @elements: [Element]

extension setup helper: ComplexObject
	extract @elements, @elements[2] -> secondElement

	helper process secondElement

extension setup -> element: Element
	extract @elements, @elements[2] -> assign to element, assign to @elements

extension setup helper: ComplexObject -> element: Element
	extract @elements, @elements[2] -> assign to element, assign to @elements

	helper process element


A String is an array of Characters. It functions exactly as an array, but has quotation-based syntax ("Hello", "Goodbye!") when printing and describing it literally.


Arrays & tuples are the only collection types that include subscript-based, direct element access. To build a pointer-based data structure accessible through instance methods, use generics.

Generics allow a class to make use of a type that's not known in advance. The type is specified when the instance of the class is created. See Generics for more information on their syntax and usage.